Thursday, August 30, 2007


ever seen that commercial?? i wish i had an easy button to push! faith is hard sometimes!!! the easy button would allow someone to come along and buy my car at an incredible price...the easy button would give me insight to know exactly how much money i need for nicaragua and what God wants me to do with what is supplied, or if extra money is so that i can stay longer...the easy button would give me extra hours in the day to spend completely devoted to God, being with Him, doing whatever it is He wants and not time that i just waste...the easy button would get rid of the "junk" in my life. i'm talking literal junk. i look at my bedroom and am disgusted by all the "stuff" i've collected throughout the years. and the mentality that i am always in "need" of something! hopefully i'm gonna get rid of alot when i have a yard sale sept. 29. i can't wait! if anyone sees my easy button laying around, please let me know...otherwise, i'll keep (trying) to having faith (as feeble as it may be) that God will take care of all my needs!!!
p.s. i hate satan...let's kill satan...anyone...anyone?! lol