Sunday, December 30, 2007


There is a 13 year old boy, Eddy, who has severe aplastic anemia and is need of a bone marrow transplant. Cheryl had been looking into medicine that could help him instead of the transplant, considering the transplant cost around $300,000. And the medicine is $9000/day for 7 days. Well, last weekend he became really sick and was put in the hospital. The only way he was breathing was from a tube...and the decision came whether to take the tube out or not. His mother talked to Eugenio and he told her if Eddy was that close to letting go, then it was best to take the tube out and let God take care of him. So his mother decided to take the tube out and prepare for his death because the doctors said taking the tube out would ensure death. So they took the tube out and told his mother to take him home because they were no longer responsible for him. So we got a phone call saying that Eddy had died. A couple from the U.S. got food and drinks together to take to his house (b/c that's what you do here when someone dies. you sit up all night and eat/drink. alcohol if your non-christians. coke if you're Christians). So the couple heads to his house and goes in to see Eddy (thinking he was dead, mind you) and the lady gasps when she sees him breathing. Turns out, by taking the tube out Eddy got better!! He had a hamburger that night, and the next day he was out Christmas shopping!! Crazy how if we put our trust in God, he allows takes care of us!...We went to visit him and he looks like a healthy 13 year old boy. Cheryl got him to say a little testimony on video, so I'll see if I can upload that sometime soon. I said a prayer when we heard that Eddy had passed away. I asked God if we were going down the wrong path (looking for the medicine) that he would allow Eddy to get better and I would try to help us get on the right path (there has been someone step forward interested in being a donor). It's just that we need to pray for God to open some doors: for the two to be perfect matches (doctors don't want to do an operation without a full blooded sibling b/c they say he will reject it, and Eddy doesn't have any full blooded siblings), for doctors who would donate their time and skills, and for a hospital to do it. These are big requests to fill because the operation is so expensive, but we have a God who can do it all! I fully believe if God has laid it on a person's heart to donate, then He has already provided the perfect match. But please be in prayer with me and let's watch God perform another miracle in the life of a Nicaraguan child!!


Anonymous said...


What truly a great God we serve!!Others may want to set this aside saying that the medical folks and all were behind this but praise the Lord we know that whatever was done by them was provided by the Lord!!

Ted Puckett